Skitur med nikkers og superundertøy. FOTO: Envato

What is superundertøy? An english language article for new parents

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Superundertøy, or super underwear is often refered to in kindergartens and schools. This is how to make sense of this strange norwegian term.

A term you might come across as your kid starts kindy or school is superundertøy – super underwear. What does this mean? Is it really super? Or is it even underwear? In this article we do a shallow dive into the exploration of this rather nonsensical scandi term.

What is superundertøy?

«Superundertøy» is a Norwegian term that translates to «thermal underwear». The term refers to undergarments designed to provide extra insulation and warmth, particularly in cold weather conditions. Superundertøy is typically made from materials that help retain body heat and wick moisture away from the skin, keeping the wearer dry and comfortable in chilly environments. These garments are commonly worn as a base layer under regular clothing to provide an additional layer of insulation during cold temperatures or outdoor activities.

Norway has loads of established brands and manufacturers in the thermal clothing genre .You’ll should easily find garments at all price points. Some of the notable brands are Pierre Robert, Devold, Ullvang, Brynje of Norway and Swix.

Winter is a better experience with proper superundertøy. PHOTO: Envato
Winter is a better experience with proper superundertøy. PHOTO: Envato

Thermal clothing for all ages

Proper layering is key when it comes to keep warm throughout playtime in kindergarten or school. Although this article is aimed at finding superundertøy for children, we do also recommend that adults look into purchasing thermal clothing as well. These garments are great for keeping warm while partaking in outdoor activities with your kids.

The aforementioned moisture wicking capabilities also come into play if you are into sports. The superundertøy will prevent you from getting cold during the cooldown period after high intensity training, making it perfect for skiing or running during cold weather.

He's only happy because he's wearing superundertøy. PHOTO: Envato
He’s only happy because he’s wearing superundertøy. PHOTO: Envato

Where to buy thermal clothing?

There are a plethora of brands offering various versions of superundertøy. If you are looking to purchase for kids your best alternative is by far Devold of Norway. This brand originated back in the 1850s and is an established brand known for high quality wool garments and colorful design. They even have a flagship store in Oslo and an outlet store at Norwegian Outlet in Vestby. We are happy to have Devold as an affiliate partner, and highly recommend you check out their english language webstore at

Devold for babies and kids

Here’s a few recommendations from our affiliate partner Devold. All these are base layer garments that is commonly needed as part of the kindergarten attire. They come in a variety of colors, thus making it easy to find design that you and your kids will love. We have three recommendations for babies and toddlers, and three for kindergarten-aged children.

For babies and toddlers

For children taller than 98cm


Swix is a giant when it comes to skiing, even though the parent company is trying to rebrand as Brav Norway. The company originated in Sweden ages ago, but have since changed ownership, and is today regarded as a proper Norwegian brand. Swix has expanded from selling skiing accessories to include a variety of garments. We have personally used Swix body suits for our babies, as they are allergic to wool.

Swix has a large selection of clothes for different purposes, but most importantly, they have clothes for babies and young kids.

See what Swix has to offer at

Brynje of Norway

If you are looking into getting into winter sports and outdoor activities, we highly reccommend the base layers offered by Brynje of Norway. This small family owned business has been a staple of Norwegian clothing history. Brynje of Norway was even there when Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary reached the peak of Mount Everest in 1948. This is a great brand offering high quality products, used by military and special forces as well as athletes and explorers.

See Brynje of Norway at’s webshop.

Super Thermo w/inlayNavy

Sweater with long sleeves, round neck and shoulder inserts for better comfort. View product at

Brynje Super Thermo w/inlay – Black

Perfect for high intensity exercise.

View product at

Brynje Lady Wool Thermo Light Purple

A warmer base layer suited for any outdoor acitivity.

View at


A rather new brand is the Northug sportswear brand. The eponomyous brand has it name from one of Norway’s most prolific cross country skiing athletes (and former recreational driver) Petter Northug. This brand offers outdoorsy garments and technical thermal underwear at a decent price point. Have a look at to browse a selection of Northug products.

Artikkelen inneholder reklame gjennom annonselenker til Devold &
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